The App for Sports and Learning
BSL – Knowledge that Moves!
Just pursue your hobby, be it running, working out at the gym, or something else, and study at the same time. It is clear that this is not always possible, but think especially about the time before exams. Then you can combine both and do not have to give up anything.

Cognitive Benefits of Exercise: How Physical Activity Promotes Learning
Top Performance in Learning and in Sports
Training, especially fitness and endurance training, is crucial for all sports, especially in the performance-oriented field. Athletes in competitive teams need to regularly improve their fitness and endurance to maximize their performance. The BSL app is ideal for this, as it allows you to combine learning and fitness. This way, you not only benefit from improved physical performance, but you can also expand your knowledge – a real WIN-WIN!

Learn 5000 Steps Per Day
Measure your activity while learning:
We have integrated a pedometer into our app that you can use (but don’t have to). This way you can see exactly how many steps you took this Monday while studying.
The top 3 learners receive “Extra AI Points” every month, which do not expire.

Our Mission
We want to inspire people to increase their physical activity while expanding their knowledge. With the BSL app, we offer the perfect solution to promote a healthy and active life by combining exercise and learning.